Um abraço.
For personal reasons, Rui Mourão is no longer our singer.
To Rui Mourão we wish all the best.
Com o aproximar da hora marcada para o concerto, ainda o vocalista Rui Mourão estava a caminho do Lavradio (por motivos pessoais não pode estar presente mais cedo), a organização comunicou-nos que teríamos de começar a tocar o mais depressa possível, sobre pena de não actuarmos de todo. Após uma conversa com o responsável e tentativas de adiar um pouco mais o início do espectáculo, decidimos iniciar o concerto sem o vocalista Rui Mourão, sendo as vozes asseguradas pelo baixista Zigga, esperando que o Rui chegasse durante a actuação.
Nunca tendo cantado em público, a responsabilidade e os nervos eram muitos, mas o Zigga esteve à altura do desafio, contando com o apoio dos restantes elementos.
A actuação correu muito bem, sem grandes percalços, com alguns erros compreensíveis mas foi mais uma noite FullMoonChild!
Fica um excerto do início da noite, onde a setlist foi:
-Red Queen
-Dark Gift
-Lasts Forever...
Muito obrigado a todos pelo apoio!!!
A concert at the beggining of the night with Fullmoonchild as the first band on stage, with a lineup where WAKO were the biggest attraction and Repulsive Strife the upcoming band, with New Mecanica in the between, with their more "mechanical" sound.
The venue at SFAL is very good for this type of events, with good conditions and a very powerfull, yet appropriated sound system. The sound technician also knew what they were doing and that helped to all going on as scheduled.
As the time for the beggining of the concert was getting closer, our singer Rui Mourão was still on his way to Lavradio (due to personal reasons it wasn't possible for him to be there earlier), the event organization told us we had to begin playing as soon as possible or not play at all.
After talking with the responsible and attempting to delay the gig just a bit more, we decided to go through and begin the gig without our lead singer Rui Mourão, asking Zigga to fulfill the empty space, (accumulating voice and bass) hoping that Rui would arrive during our performance.
Zigga never sang before a live audience, the responsability and nerves were too many, but Zigga was at his best, fitting the role very well and had the support of the remaining members. The gig went without any major problems and we had another great FullMoonChild night!
Here's the setlist:
-Red Queen
-Dark Gift
-Lasts Forever...
We thank you all fot the support!!!